Integrated Command Center
With the Command Center, Ayodya Dialog Semesta facilitates leaders to gain valuable data insights and make more informed decisions
Command Center Solutions
Ayodya Dialog Semesta presents an Integrated Command Center solution to answer the challenges of the complexity of data management and real-time decision making. With advanced technology and the latest features, this solution is designed to increase efficiency, responsiveness and effectiveness in a variety of operational situations.
Fixed Command Center
Mobile Command Center
To answer the challenges of the complexity of data management and real-time decision making. With advanced technology and the latest features, this solution is designed to increase efficiency, responsiveness and effectiveness in a variety of operational situations. We present this solution to various sectors, including:
With the Integrated Command Center solution from Dialog Semesta, various sectors can face the challenges of complex data management and decision making with more confidence and efficiency. You will get end-to-end service from our team of experts, ensuring every stage from consultation, design, construction, to development is carried out to the highest standards to achieve optimal results.
Our End-to-end Services
We provide comprehensive end-to-end solutions, supporting you from start to finish to achieve success.
Create a blueprint based on your needs.
Design with the support of our expert team.
Command center development and installation.
System integration required by the command center
Our Successful Clients
Gubernur Prov. Pintar
"Solusi Command Center dari Ayodya Dialog Semesta telah menjadi tulang punggung dalam pengelolaan data dan aktivitas di kampus kami. Dengan integrasi sistem yang baik dan fitur pemantauan yang canggih, kami dapat mengelola kegiatan akademik dan keamanan kampus dengan lebih efisien. Kami sangat menghargai dukungan dan profesionalisme tim Ayodya dalam setiap tahap proyek ini."
Dekan Univ. Pintar
Our Location
Graha Pena, Jl. Raya Kby. Lama No.12, Grogol Utara, Kec. Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12210
Our Location
Phone: 021 53346700 / WA: 0813 28479888
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- Copyright © 2024 Ayodya Dialog Semesta. All rights reserved.
"Solusi Integrated Command Center dari Ayodya Dialog Semesta telah membawa perubahan besar dalam manajemen kota kami. Dengan fitur canggih dan kemampuan analisis data real-time, kami dapat merespons situasi darurat dengan cepat dan efisien. Tim ahli Ayodya sangat profesional dan mendukung penuh dari konsultasi hingga implementasi. Kami sangat merekomendasikan layanan ini untuk pemerintah daerah lainnya."